I get asked this all the time, so I thought I might do a blog post and have it as a reference - how much warmer will a solar pool heating system make my pool. Answer: anywhere from 3.5°C to al
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So we get asked do solar pool covers really work, do they really heat the pool? Well it depends.
We thought it might be interesting to analyze pool temperature boosts from transparent (bubb
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So what's the optimal tilt install angle (pitch) for a North facing pool heating collector for the longest pool season?
It's more complex than you think and the results are somewhat surpris
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Sometimes we get asked for the best roof facing compass direction and pitch (tilt) to install pool heating collectors on to get the longest swimming season, or how much of a penalty there is i
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The following article outlines validation comparisons between the EcoOnline solar pool heating simulator/calculator and both, the AS 3634-1989: Solar Pool Heating Standard and PoolHeat V 5.10.9 b
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